Crack Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 + Serial KIS 2012

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 versi sudah muncul, dan SaYandReas telat dalam repost dikarenakan sibuk kegiatan coly yang tiada henti. Posting kali ini bagaimana me reset Key Kaspersky agar tetap jalan 90 hari. Jadi kita akan menggunakan KIS 2012 dengan jalan trial secara terus menerus tanpa takut license nya akan expired.
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Penasaran?? cekidot gan..

Kaspersky Internet Secuirty (KIS) 2012 sedikit lebih mahal dari Kaspersky Anti Virus (KAV) 2012. Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 sangat cocok digunakan untuk computer/laptop yang sering terhubung ke Internet.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 memproteksi dari viruses, Phising attact, malicious website, Trojans, spam, hackers, dan lainnya. Teknologi mutakhir, pendekatan hybrid untuk menggabungkan keamanan digital yang inovatif, teknologi berbasis cloud dengan perlindungan antivirus maju untuk memberikan respon lebih cepat, lebih efektif dan lebih kompleks saat ini dari ancaman yang terus berkembang. Anda, data pribadi Anda dan PC benar-benar dilindungi sebagai Anda bekerja, bank, toko dan bermain online.

Kelebihan Kaspersky Internet Security 2012:
1. Nikmati perbankan online secara aman dan berbelanja
2. Mendapatkan perlindungan efektif dari ancaman tidak dikenal.
3. Berkomunikasi pada keselamatan jaringan sosial favorit Anda
4. Mendapatkan perlindungan langsung dari ancaman yang muncul
5. Memutar kembali perubahan yang dilakukan oleh malware
6. Manfaat dari hybrid protection
7. Melindungi identitas Anda dari serangan phishing


Cara menginstall dan me RESET Kaspersky Internet Security 2012:

1. Install dulu KIS 2012 nya
2. Setelah terinstall pilih menu trial nya (30 hari)
3. Setelah aktif 30 hari, matikan self-defense nya pada menu setting (jangan di centang) kemudian klik apply dan OK.

4. Setelah di pastikan self defense tidak dicentang, lalu klik exit KIS pada icon bawah kanan PC kamu. Caranya, klik kanan pada icon kaspesky tersebut, dan pilih exit.

5. Kemudian buka Task Manager kamu ( Ctrl + ALT + DEL ),klik pada toolbar 'processes' .. dan pastikan avp.exe tidak ada..

6. Kemudian, jalankan file 'removal key 2012' dengan cara klik kanan pada file removal key 2012, dan klik Run As Administrator.
Tujuan dari Removal Key 2012 adalah untuk menghilangkan key dari kaspersky 2012. Kemudian biasanya PC akan meminta restart, klik restart :)

7. Setelah PC km restart, buka kembali KIS kamu, dan pastikan serial key trial 30 hari kamu hilang. Jangan panik, jangan gila, karena ini bagian dari proses nya :) .. ikuti langkah selanjutnya gan

8. Buka kaspersky nya, dan klik “insert your activation code here” di bagian bawah KIS 2012 kamu. Kemudian akan muncul 2 pilihan , “Activate the aplication” dan "Buy Activation Code"
Kamu pilih yang "Activate the aplication", dan klik.

9. Kemudian masukan serial nya AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAA3 dan klik next.

10. Dan akan muncul activation failed, jangan khwatir, sekarang klik Browser, dan arahkan pada file pada folder yang sudah saya siapkan "Reg Trial 90 Hari"
Pilih salah satu reg yang zatyabajaitem siapkan dan klik open.

11. Eng ing Eng..KIS 2012 kamu sudah trial 91 hari.. :D

NB: Jika masa 91 hari hampir habis, kamu bisa lakukan ulang cara di atas lagi, sehingga tidak akan habis 91 hari nya, kkkkkkk

Sewaktu mendownload Crack dan Serialnya, pastikan ANTIVIRUS kamu tidak aktif, karena biasanya file akan di anggap virus hacktool. padahal bukan virus :)

PASSWORD RAR: zatyabajaitem  
Removal Key 2012
                    Reg Trial 90 Hari

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Zemana AntiLogger Full + Keygen + Patch

Zemana AntiLogger Full + Keygen + Patch | 8 Mb

Anti-Logger developed to thwarts attacks from various kinds of malware threats, proactively protects your "Information Security" without needing a signature-based algorithm by using powerful anti-action methods. Anti-Logger prevents attacks from all known forms of malware which are designed to perform information theft. Anti-Logger uses a proactive and unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not already been recognized or identified by anti-virus programs. Consequently, it protects your "Information Security" from a wide range of threats. Anti-Logger employs a brand new and powerful protection method against unknown malwares which cannot be caught by well-known and very commonly used security software. To examine closely the superior power of Anti-Logger, and to test the various protection modules, or to understand how your security software protects your system, visit"simulation test program" pages.

SSL Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
128-bit encryption reliably secures data during online shopping and high-value financial transactions. Unfortunately, a new generation of spyware grabs your data just before it becomes safely encrypted!
Zemana AntiLogger's unique proactive protection prevents your personal information from being stolen while you are conducting online banking transactions or e-commerce using an encrypted 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.

Key Logger protection:
Keyloggers record whatever you type by monitoring the keyboard. This renders most security useless, but not Zemana AntiLogger!

Screen Logger protection:
Just as you can take a screen capture, screenlogger malware snaps the screen at your most vulnerable moments, e.g., when you are plugging in sensitive data such as bank account information with VirtualKeyboard. Zemana Anti-Screen Logger spots this suspicious activity in ways that go beyond the standard, signature-based anti-logging algorithms.

Clipboard Logger protection:
Copying, cutting and pasting sends potentially sensitive data to your Windows clipboard where malware can get at it. Fortunately, Zemana AntiLogger deals with all attempts at malicious monitoring, including memory capture.

Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.

System Defense:
Malware likes to get at your registry, your physical memory (RAM), and other sensitive areas so it can inject malicious code and seize control of your PC. Zemana AntiLogger guards against all this, securing the very heart of your machine.

Key Features:
- SSL Logger Protection
Prevents theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS/SSL)
- Key Logger Protection
Prevents all harmful applications from logging your keystrokes(thereby stealing your passwords and account info)
- Screen Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from capturing your computer screen.
- WebCam Logger Protection
Prevents any harmful applications from monitoring your Web Camera.
- ClipBoard Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from taking snapshots of your clipboard.
- System Defense
Tracks down Windows operating system activity in real-time to prevent detrimental actions from various malware and spyware programs.

What's New AntiLogger
Fixed an incompatibility with the Avast on 64bit which caused AntiLogger not to detect anything.

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Internet Business Promoter Full + Keygen + Crack

Internet Business Promoter 2011 Full + Keygen + Crack

Internet Business Promoter (IBP) is an award-winning software in the search engine website. IBP helps you get high rankings in search engines: * Get top 10 rankings on Google, Yahoo, Bing search and others. * Get more website visitors and increase your income. * Better than your competitors. How can we ensure top 10 ranking on Google and cause attention? Guaranteed ranking Many people will tell you that it can not guarantee top 10 rankings on Google. That is correct. No one can guarantee top 10 rankings, except for Google's engineers. However, IBP tools we have a success rate of over 98% and we will give you your money back if you belong to very few people who do not get top 10 rankings on Google with IBP. How specific activities? 1. You choose keywords and search engines IBP you for that keyword you want to get a position 10 and you select the search engine you want a top 10 position. This can be,, many local variations of Google and Yahoo, Bing, variations of local and other search engines. 2. IBP analyzes your web page IBP's Top 10 Optimizer will then analyze all the factors relevant information on your web page and links to your site and calculate a ranking score based on that information. The higher the ranking score, the more likely it is your site will be listed on the first page of Google results. 3. IBP tells you in detail what you have to change If your site does not have a 100% score, IBP will tell you in English you exactly what to do to improve your site and link to your website. advice will be tailored to your site, the search engine and keyword selection chosen. IBP will tell you specifically what you have to change and how you have to change it. 4. You make changes on your site In the final step, you change your site according to the suggestions of the Top 10 of IBP optimization until no recommendations (IBP's Top 10 Optimizer to your site a rating of 100% ).

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