Use Cheat?
[-] Push Home in room, open inventory, play game!
[-] When Loading Map , push HOME again
[-] When noticed "Sedang mempersiapkan Game" push 'END'.
NB : Jika sering BT gunakan flashdisk ( MAsukan che*t kedalam Flasdisk klik Char Hack' Keluar NOTICE CHABUT FLASDISK)
Tools needed:
Cheat Engine 5.5(Download ? Just search in this blog)
1 Play Ninja Saga
2 Select browser as process in ce5.5 (hex, 8bytes, asrom)
3 At the “Select Character” screen, scan “3B0008C25B5E0689″
4 2 addresses found.Right click the BOTTOM address and Dissassemble the right click again “Toggle breakpoint”
5 Now in Ninja Saga, select your character and click “Play”
6 It will freeze due to the breakpoint you’ve set.
7 Click “Debug > Run (shortcut: f9)
8 Click “Debug > Run again.
9 At the Registries panel, you will see a red line “EAX xxxxxx”
10 Left click on it and it will ask you to insert the new address, so you paste “FF011B8A” into it(IF YOU WANT LEVEL 19 ONLY PASTE THIS “11A6C”)
11 Now right click the address and click “Toggle breakpoint” again to remove the breakpoint.
12 Click “Debug > Run
13 Now go back to your Ninja Saga. It will reload and you will be level 336.
Pet Society Cheat Evolving Flowers Bouquet 2011
Update Pet Society Cheat
[-] Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again.
[-] Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
[-] Fiddler [ Download Here ]
[-] Firefox/Chrome [ just search int his blog ]
[-] Hack Tool for Game [ Download Here ]
[-] Download Database from the links above.
[-] Open fiddler and replace ShopMarket.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know [-] how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
[-] REGEX:(?insx).*shopMarket.*\.dat$
[-] Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
[-] Now just visit the Market and have fun shopping!
datang lagiii. Sekarang bagaimana cara edit foto supaya bisa menjadi kartun, dengan software bernama Photo to Cartoon. Cara mengubah foto menjadi kartun ini mudah untuk mengoperasikannya. 1. Download software Photo to cartoon, dan download juga keymaker nya
2. Kemudian install Softwarenya
3. Lalu kamu klik keymakernya untuk mendapatkan serialnya, kemudian masukan serialnya pada toolbar license.
4. Setelah dimasukan serialnya, kamu exit software nya sekarang, kemudian klik lagi.
5. Dan sekarang sudah full version
6. Untuk mengedit foto kamu, kamu klik load Photo (untuk mencari letak foto yang akan kamu edit).
7. Dan sekarang kamu utak atik sendiri sesuka kamu foto nya :p
mudah kan? yoi eh eh eh
Untuk mendownload softwarenya, klik link dibawah ini:
Banyak cara untuk melindungi data komputer dari tangan usil orang lain, salah satunya memproteksi semua hardisk yang ada dalam 'My Computer'. Mungkin cara ini terlalu sadis gimana . . tapi demi keamaana data-data pribadi apapun harus dilakukan, ya ngga ?
Tips ini cocok untuk pengguna komputer dalam jaringan/network kecil-kecilan, semisal warnet atau sebagainya . . .Biasanya kan, komputer yang lagi dipakai user-user yang sedang online kadang kala juga butuh isi atau data yang menarik, , , nah, biasanya user yang usil, diam-diam menyeludup masuk ke komputer admin, nah, kalo di komputer admin ngga diproteksi, ya tau sendirilah . . .data-datanya perlu diamankan, biar ngga dicuri
Pada tips kali ini, cara buat memproteksi My Computer yaitu dengan cara 'mendisable-nya'. Gimana langkah-langkahnya, mari ikutin terus :
1. Bukaregedit 2. klik HKey_Classes_Root\CLSID
3. Cari 'value' berikut 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D(pakai “Find” pada menu “Edit”)
4. Hapuslah 'value' tersebut
5. Restart Komputer
Note :Sebelum melakukan pengeditan Registry, pastikan kita telah melakukan pembackup registry terlebih dahulu dengan tujuan apabila terjadi kesalahan kita dapat mengembalikan registry seperti keadaan semula. (cara membackup registry, baca di sini) ini khusus bagi Anda pengguna PC atau komputer, dalam tips berikut akan saya bahas mengenai Cara menjadikan perangkat lain dalam komputer sebagai pengganti mouse. Misalnya, dalam keadaan tertentu mouse Anda tiba-tiba mati atau rusak, dan Anda tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, mau membeli mouse tidak punya uang atau barangkali gak ada waktu.
Anda bisa mencoba tips berikut ini ,yaitu menggerakkan mouse dengan keyboard, tips ini sangat cocok dalam keadaan darurat jika mouse Anda tiba-tiba rusak.
ok langsung saja ikuti saya:
Tekan tombol ALT(sebelah kiri)+Shift(sebelah kiri)+NumLock secara bersamaan. Cara ini akan memunculkan windows MouseKeys.
Akan ada 3 pilihan tombol. Klik OK untuk mengaktifkan atau Cancel untuk membatalkan. Dan Klik Setting untuk mengatur beberapa settingan seperti kecepatan kursor dll.
Nah sampai disini fungsi mousekeys sudah aktif.
Silahkan coba menggerakkan kursor menggunakan tombol-tombol angka di keypad numerik.
Angka 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, dan 9 digunakan untuk menggerakkan kursor ke atas, bawah, samping kanan/kiri, dan ke arah diagonal.
Sedangkan angka 5 berfungsi seperti tombol “klik” pada mouse.
Untuk “drag & drop” gunakan kombinasi angka dengan tombol “insert”.
Pernah mengalami File Tyle Exe yang Tidak Bisa Dibuka ? Pasti rasanya sangat marah dan putus asa jika terjadi kesalahan sehinggal File Exe (Executable) tidak bisa dibuka. Entah karena virus atau salah pada Registry. Namun jangan terburu putus asa dan install ulang sistem windows Anda. Ada cara sederhana dan mudah untuk memperbaiki file Exe yang rusak dan tidak bisa dibuka. Mari ikuti terus tutorial Restore Broken Exe Association ini
Cara Memperbaiki File Type Exe
Mula-mula file berexstensi .exe masih normal
Tiba-tiba file .exe tersebut berubah menjadi
file berexstensi lain. Misal type .h4nk Akibatnya, file tersebut tidak bisa dibuka
Jika dilihat reinciannya, maka hasilnya seperti di atas
( klik kanan file, lalu Options )
Langkah mudah memperbaiki file type .Exe yang tidak bisa dibuka :
Buka "Explorer", pada menu bar pilih "Tool" ,lalu "Folder Options"
Pada Folder Optioons, pilih "File Types", lalu klik tombol "New"
Lalu, klik tombol "Advanced"
Isikan persis seperti di atas, lalu OK
Sekarang lihat perubahannya. File yang ber Type Exe yang tidak bisa dibuka kini kembali normal. Biasanya kejadian seperti ini terjadi akibat komputer terserang virus atau karena kesalahan pada registry. Biasanya file .exe yang tidak bisa dibuka dikarenakan file tersebut sudah berganti tipenya, misal berubah menjadi File Type .H4nk. Jika demikian, maka ikutilah tutorial Memperbaiki File Type Exe yang Tidak Bisa Dibuka di atas.
Customizing photos can be fun for some users, but, just as well, is sometimes a necessity if you want to make pictures fit in an online album or you want to e-mail them. Changing the dimensions might imply something more than just simply adjusting the width and height. Keeping the proportions and the overall look just as good as the original might also be important.
Altarsoft Photo Resizer is a simple application that helps you resize images in just a few steps. The software is available in demo mode, a watermark will be added to your images. To remove this limitation you have to purchase the software for $ 24.95. You will be notified about this through a nag screen each time you open the application.
Resize Photos in a Few Clicks
This tool keeps it all nice and simple. Everything you need to customize your images is right in the main window. The developer has focused on functionality and not on beauty, so you shouldn’t expect any fancy menus.
Once you’ve opened this application, you will surely observe that it is easy to understand and use. First off, you can select the source folder, with all its subfolders and the destination of the resulting files. You can add one image at a time, if you want to. Also, the Delete image and Clear options are available to help you with the management of the loaded photos. All these actions can be performed both with the help of the designated buttons in the taskbar or by using the File menu.
A preview will be displayed
when selecting an image, showing the exact size in pixels. If you need a custom size, you will select Desktop size from the menu and then further adjust the resize options. You also have some predefined sizes (800x600, 320x240, 720x480) that might be useful. Next comes the % of source feature that will basically allow you to select the size of the newly created image as a percentage from the initial picture. For example, if you select 50%, the resulting image will have exactly half the size of the original image keeping, of course, the original ratio.
You can also select the height or width of the new photo with the help of the designed options. We should mention that all these changes are made preserving the ratio. So, you can’t change both the height and width, but just one of them, the other being automatically calculated so that your new picture won’t appear deformed.
Last, but not least, comes the max side option. Basically, this feature will allow you to select the value that you want the longest side of the image to have, whether we are talking about the width or height. Again, the ratio of the initial picture is kept. This might irritate some users but, for the beginners, the fact that you will get nice looking images every time is to be appreciated
Altarsoft Photo Resizer also offers a conversion option. You can select from quite a lot of image file types: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TGA, TIFF, ICO, PCX that will most likely satisfy the needs of the average users.
The Rename section offers you three options to choose from: adding a number, the weight and height values, or the date. You can’t, however, rename the images without adding one of these three. This restriction comes to help you avoid file rewriting and, therefore, the loss of some important pictures. If you don’t enable this option your newly created images will have the exact name as the original.
The Settings window is quite small and doesn’t offer many customization options; only the selection of the JPG quality can be changed using a slider (from 0% to 100%). Some other options would have been useful, for example the option of automatically searching for updates or some optimizing features concerning the conversion function of this software.
All in all, Altarsoft PhotoResizer will help you resize your images fast and easy. The rename and convert features are also most welcomed, but some more adjusting options like customizing the colors or cropping, would have been helpful.
ScreenShot YouTube Downloader Version 2.7
This simple freeware application works pretty well, given how basic the interface is. It has two main features: to download FLV files from YouTube, and to convert them to most major formats. If there's a YouTube URL in your clipboard, it will automatically paste it for you when you click on the dialog box. From there, just hit OK and the downloading will commence. One more left-click is all it takes to load the file in the converter, which supports iPhone, iPod, PSP, cell phone, AVI, MP3, WMV, and Xvid. Surprisingly, there's also a basic video editor for cropping videos by time stamp. You can also cut out the sound when converting.
This is one of the lightest editors around, but the simplistic interface belies its functionality and it performs exactly as advertised. We'd like to see support in future editions for hunting down missing codecs, and version 2.1.5 and earlier won't work because of embed code changes on YouTube itself. Still, the YouTube Downloader is proof that not only is video-making accessible to everyone, so is video downloading and editing.
From Biennesoft:
It's software that allows you to download videos from YouTube, including HD and HQ videos, Facebook, Vevo, and many other sites and convert them to other video formats. The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the video you want to download and click the Ok. It also allows you to convert downloaded videos for iPod, iPhone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3. Allows you to access YouTube videos for which you need to be 18+ years of age. Now, plays videos downloaded.
Download Free YouTube Downloader Version 2.7: DOWNLOAD NOW
DeskTop Author adalah salah Software yang oke Untuk Membuat EBook atau Electronic Book. Selain untuk membuat EBook, DeskTop Author juga bisa untuk membuat katalog, brosur, album foto dll
DeskTop Author membantu Anda untuk mendesain Cover dan rancangan Ebook yang akan Anda buat. Hasil akhir dari ebook nya ada berexstensi .exe bukan .pdf. Jadi ebook berbasis aplikasi, alis tinggal klik-klik saja untuk membacanya. Hmmm . . keren kan.
Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk mencobanya silahkan download software DeskTop Author. Bisa dari berbagai sumber dan versi.
*NB : Pengunaan DC Hack Dan Combo BR Hotkeynya sama, kalau mau pake cheat Combo BR tekan di loby, sebelum masuk ke ROOM, cara mematikan DC Hack Tekan Hotkey yang ada di F5-F8, Segala Resiko di Tanggung Pemenang
Download (Clue Password sudah ada di dalam .rar dan programnya, jadi jangan tanya lagi)
Cheat PB Bug Fix Charhack+Vipehack+Baret Champion Hack Work
Cheat PB Bug Fix Charhack+Vipehack+Baret Champion Hack Work 24042011
[-]Harus Mmpunyai Flhsdisk/folder lock/locbox/Search in this blog
1.Download Cheat
2.Save in your Flahsdisk
3.Shutdown Antivirus/firewall PB Launcher
5.Open Cheat
6.Start PB
7.Push VIP HACK , noticed [ BACA LAH!!!]
8.Plug off your flasdisk
[-]Char hack + Darah 120 + Robot Viper hack On + Baret Hack = Home
[-]Char hack + Darah 120 + Robot Viper hack Off + Baret Hack= End
Step to Char Hack + Viper hack + Darah Jadi 120 :
[-]Join ROOM
[-]Became RM
[-]Push HOME 2x
[-]Open Inventory
[-]When Loading map push home 2x
[-]When noticed 'Game sedang di persiapkan' tekan End 3x