Software untuk membuat Ringtone

Ingin membuat ringtone sendiri di handphone anda? Dengan software Free Ringtone Maker, anda bisa berkreasi membuat ringtone favorit dari file yang berformat Mp3, WMA, WAV, dan file audio lainnya.

Anda tinggal memasukkan file audio, seterusnya program ini akan menampilkan dalam bentuk gelombang, kemudian anda tinggal memilih dan mengedit bagian yang ingin anda jadikan ringtone.

Andapun bisa menambahkan berbagai efek suara dalam ringtone tersebut. Setelah selesai membuat ringtone anda tinggal mengklik find target. Maka jadilah ringtone anda.

Bila tertarik silahkan download Software Pembuat Ringtone HP pada link di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat!!!

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Software Fisika ~Kinematika, Optik, Gelombang, Relativitas~

Bagi yang berminat, rekan guru maupun para siswa, Ada banyak pilihan software Fisika (dan lainnya) yang bisa kita manfaat sesuai kebutuhan pembelajaran kita. Bahkan bagi para guru, di sana ada peta kurikulum yang berisi 21 halaman. File ini bisa dibuka menggunakan MS Word dan bisa kita olah/edit...

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Software pembelajaran fisika ~besaran dan satuan~

Konversi satuan dalam Fisika

Saya yakin, kita semua pasti masih ingat saat pertama kali belajar Fisika, pasti bab pertama yang kita pelajari adalah materi Besaran dan Satuan. Materi ini merupakan materi dasar dalam Fisika. Bab Besaran dan Satuan selalu menempati urutan pertama, yakni selalu Bab I.
Mustahil bisa mengenal dan memahami materi Fisika bila tidak melalui materi ini. Bahkan karena terlalu seringnya materi ini diulang dan diajarkan, kadang anak didik merasa bosan meski belum memahami secara mendalam. Guru pun kadang juga asal saja menyampaikan materi ini, tidak peduli apakah siswa paham atau tidak sama sakali. Materi apapun dalam Fisika, pasti melibatkan materi dasar dan fundamental ini.
Besaran dan Satuan tidak perlu dihafal, tetapi cukup dipahami lalu untuk penerapannya; selanjutnya untuk konversi antar/lintas satuan dalam suatu besaran, software ini sangat membantu...

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Free download Software untuk Kalkulator Kimia ini diperuntukkan bagi kalian yang mempunyai masalah dalam pemecahan rumus kimia, Semua variabel dihitung menunjukkan nilai yang tepat. Algoritma yang digunakan untuk perhitungan adalah berdasarkan persamaan set lengkap menggambarkan asam / basa dan garam equlibrium disosiasi diselesaikan dengan metode Newton-Raphson.

1. Bagian pH Asam-Base
Cari pH yang tepat dan konsentrasi kesetimbangan dari semua dipisahkan dan terdisosiasi jenis solusi yang kuat / asam lemah / polyprotic dan basis. Built-in database dari lebih dari 60 asam lemah dan basa dengan PKA dan tabel dapat diedit PKB

2. Bagian pH Hidrolisis
Cari pH yang tepat dan konsentrasi kesetimbangan dari semua dipisahkan dan terdisosiasi jenis solusi garam.

3. Bagian pH Mixtures
Cari pH yang tepat dan konsentrasi kesetimbangan dari semua dipisahkan dan terdisosiasi jenis campuran dua asam atau dua pangkalan

4. Bagian Titration
Trace kurva titrasi dan menemukan pH dan volume titran ditambahkan pada titik-titik setara dengan setiap kombinasi yang kuat / lemah-asam basa

5. Bagian Keseimbangan (Balance)
Keseimbangan kimia persamaan (maks 8 reagen dan 8 produk). Jika Berat atau mol satu logam yang dimasukkan, jumlah semua reagen dan produk akan dihitung. Jika lebih dari satu nilai yang dimasukkan, kemudian memeriksa ChemDigiT jika ada pereaksi pembatas. Jika demikian nilai ini digunakan untuk perhitungan stoikiometri.

6. Bagian Concentration
Hitung A) komposisi buffer (asam dan konsentrasi basa konjugasi) atau B) yang dikehendaki konsentrasi pH dan total. ChemDigiT tidak menggunakan persamaan Henderson-Hasselbach, tapi persis memecahkan persamaan derajat keenam. Kekuatan Ion untuk mempertimbangkan pilihan kegiatan. persamaan parameter Davies dapat diedit. Hitung baru pH setelah penambahan asam kuat / base.

7. Bagian Solubility
Hitung kelarutan, pH dan ion Kekuatan dari setiap larutan elektrolit kuat buruk larut. Built-in database diedit dari lebih dari 120 senyawa dengan Kelarutan Konstanta produk. Mengevaluasi dampak dari Hidrolisis (Anion), pH dan ion Kekuatan pada Kelarutan dalam

8. Dll

 Nama File : ChemDigiT.exe
File Size : 2,42 Mb 

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Software penghitung Matematika Untuk SMA-SMP

Namanya dIGIMATH 6.1, adalah software yang bersifat single file, tak perlu diinstal. Cukup klik 2 kali pada file dIGIMATH 6.1. untuk menjalankannya. dIGIMATH 6.10 adalah software matematika gratis. Materi dalam software dIGIMATH 6.1. sebagian besar untuk siswa smu-sma. Penggunaan software dIGIMATH 6.10 sangatlah mudah(user friendly).Cukup dengan mempelajari cara penulisan lambang yang digunakan pada software dIGIMATH 6.1. Adapun materi yang terdapat dalam software dIGIMATH 6.1 adalah sbb:

  1. Kalkulator
  2. Kalkulus -mencari luas funsi fx dengan sumbu x -mencari persamaan garis singgung fungsi fx (mencari nilai integral tertentu fungsi fx.)
  3. Matrik -mencari hasil perkalian matrik.
  4. Aljabar -mencari nilai x,y,z dari dua atau tiga persamaan.
  5. Menggambar grafik -untuk menggambar grafik fungsi fx. 6. Irisan kerucut -mencari persamaan irisan kerucut (parabola, hyperbola, elip). Disertai grafik.title software Matematika sma smp dIGIMATH 6.10
  6. Menghitung limit fungsi fx Diskripsi software Matematika sma smp

Bagi yang baru mengenal internet sebaiknya menggunakan Internet Explorer untuk mendownload...

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Free download Game PC Bass Fishing Mania 3 EN S60v5
Gak  usah di jelasin aja dech pokoknya ini tentang mancing-memancing. Kalo  orang gak sabar dan suka marah ane saranin lebih baik hindari dan jauhin  jenis game seperti ini :p

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Software Terbaru : Mengembalikan data yang terformat


GETDATABACK adalah salah satu sofware untuk mengembalikan data yang terhapus atau terformat pada media storage hard disk anda. GETDATABACK diklaim dapat mengembalikan data hingga 100 persen, dengan catatan kondisi file belum rusak. 

GETDATABACK bekerja pada dua file system yaitu FAT dan NTFS. Bila anda bekerja pada sistem operasi Windows XP, Vista dan Tujuh, gunakan GetDataBack NTFS.

Cara menggunakan software ini sangat mudah anda tinggal memilih nama hard disk yang akan direcovery. Bila tertarik untuk menggunakan GetDataBack silahkan download pada link di bawah ini...

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Aplikasi hitung-hitungan pelajaran SMA - IPA

Kalo anda sekarang sedang mengalami masa masa SMA, dan sedang pusing untuk belajar pelajaran IPA, saya punya solusi...

di bawah sini saya menyediakan aplikasi untuk menghitung hitung-hitungan pada pelajaran IPA di SMA....

Download :

Gerak Lurus Berubah Beraturan
Kecepatan Rata-Rata
Percepatan Rata-rata
Perjumlahan Vektor
Mencari nilai X, Y, dan Z pada persamaan aX + bY + cZ = 0
Kalkulator Segitiga siku-siku

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Free TCP optimzer

Apa itu TCP Optimizer?
TCP Optimizer adalah software untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja internet,tools ini sangat berguna untuk yang koneksi agak sedikit lambat dan juga penggunaanya lebih simple..

Tutorial :
Download TCPOptimizer (648 KB)
Jika Sudah Download,Buka TCP Optimizer
Geser ke angka 20000
Klik Optimal Setting
Apply Changes

Jika anda tidak mengerti,berikut ini screenshotnya :

Setelah di apply changes,anda perintah untuk reboot komputer anda,dan ok,agar hasil lebih bagus...

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Mozilla Firefox 6.0 Full Version

Mozilla Firefox 6.0 (ENG/FR) Full Version | 26.98 MB
All is Free

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows...

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Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 + Commercial Key

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 - Commercial Key for 1 Year (August 2011) | 160MB


Read before you start

* This is not like other version available at, you can activate your copy with commercial activation key given in download.
* You do not need to search for keys (files) every day, Just 1 commercial key will do it.
* The commercial key given in download is valid for 3 months (more 60 days left).
* I'll updated the key here. The new key will be updated only after the existing key expires.
* I have tested this personally, its working fine even updatable.

You have to download this

The download file (FILE_004) includes
- Kaspersky Internet Secrity 2011 (kis11.0.2.556en_gb)
- Commercial key for KIS 2011
- Video Tutorial for activate KIS 2011

Install Instructions

1] Run kis11.0.2.556en_gb.exe as adminsitrator to start installation

2] Make sure you check on ?Change Installation settings? at first install window

3] Then move on, keep on pressing next till you see the window as shown below.
Uncheck the box infront of ?Protect Installation Process?. (very Important)

4] Press Next and Installer will now start start copying files, writing registry
values, etc. Just when you see that installer is copying files, Press Cancel
when the progress bar reaches in middle.

Don?t Press YES or NO for now and leave the window as it is.

5] Now, we have to replace the Original DLL with the downloaded one
(given in code3h folder).

Go to C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011.
Delete existing cbi.dll and paste the cbi.dll given in "code3h" folder.

6] Installation completes and you are shown with the activation window.
select Activate commercial versions (radio button) and

Enter the activation code: given in download

7] If everything went fine, you will get Successful message with Kaspersky 2011
Internet Security activated for 3 months. Window is showing 60 days instead
of 90 because this key is valid for 91 days, so as of today 30+ days are over...

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ESET NOD32 Offline Updater August 2011

ESET NOD32 Offline Update 6373 (20110812) | 39.8 MB
Update your NOD32 without internet connection.

Update your NOD32 without internet connection.
loyalitas tiada batas

Compatable with:
- NOD32 Smart Security (all versions)
- NOD32 Antivirus (all versions)

Steps To Offline Update:

- Extract to any folder. You should get a folder called "eset_upd" along with the update files inside.
- Move that folder to the C:\. (You should have "c:\eset_upd")
- Open up the NOD32 Control Center by clicking on the system tray icon.
- Open the "Update" screen and click on "Setup"
- In the "Server" dropdown list, choose the last item which should point to C:\eset_upd.

- Click OK to close the update setup window.
- Back at the update screen, click "Update now"

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Registry Victor Portable Full Version

Registry Victor Multilingual Portable Full Version | 4.43 MB
All Is Free

Registry Victor is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system speed.

In normal use, various annoying registry errors will gradually creep into your system, causing problems such as slow speed, crashing or freezing, blue screens, deadlock, error messages etc. Registry Victor uses the most advanced technology to scan your hard driver and give you a comprehensive diagnosis in seconds. Once the problems have been identified, Registry Victor offers you a professional and highly efficient solution, which will keep your computer functioning perfectly. By using Registry Victor regularly, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help streamline your pc registry without expensive hardware upgrades.

- Registry Optimizer
Performs an all-around scan of your Windows registry to detect and fix invalid references and incorrect errors, which also helps streamline your pc registry without expensive hardware upgrades. Your pc will act like new and run much faster after using this tool.

- Privacy Safeguard
Protects your privacy by ensuring all traces of your online Internet and computer activities permanently to be erased and unrecoverable on your PC which speeds up system performance and retrieves more hard drive space.

- Junk File Remover
Scans and removes almost all junk files from system to provide more free space on your hard drive and allow application to run faster and more efficiently. This tool will help to keep your system free of clutters and clean up all the unwanted data and information.

- File Shredder
With three different shredding levels, file shredder will shred or destroy unwanted files beyond recovery. It completely removes a file or folder or drive information from your computer making it nearly impossible to restore again.

- PC Optimizer
PC Optimizer Is an optimizer toolkit containing Startup Manager, Uninstall Manager, System Optimizer and Service Optimizer. Besides well supervising the startup and un-install programs, it also optimizes network speed, disk, desktop, files and system service to peak performance.

- IE Doctor
Contains a vast number of useful tips and tricks to manage Internet Explorer's windows when surfing on Internet. It customizes your Internet properties, restores Internet files and manages browser help objects which greatly streamlines your surfing experience...

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Copy Protect v1.5.0 Portable Full Version

Windows Software | Copy Protect v1.5.0 Portable Full Version | 28.9 Mb
All Is Free

Copy Protect is a copy protection software program that lets you prevent illegal copying of your media files.

Copy Protect is a copy protection software program that lets you prevent illegal copying of your media files. The program supports most audio, video, document and picture file formats. Copy Protect works by converting your media files into executable applications that run only in the drive they are made for. A copy protected file is useless and won't run if copied and executed from another drive or computer, thus preventing illegal distribution. Copy Protect applies hard-core patent pending technology which ensures complete copy protection of your files.

Piracy of media files especially movies and audios is a big problem costing movies and music industries billions of dollars every year, but now the solution to this big problem is at hand. With Copy Protect, you can prevent illegal copying and distribution of your media files by converting them into copy protected applications. It also lets you securely burn copy protected applications to your disks so that you can distribute them without the fear of piracy.

Up to this day, there is no real way you can prevent copying of your most precious creative works, arts, documents or presentations. Anything you create and distribute over the internet is for anyone for grabs. In such an environment, a solution that converts your creative works into logically controlled executables that know where to run and where to stop is a way to go. Copy Protect offers you tamper proof copy protection technology for your media files and documents and ensures complete security against piracy and illegal copying.

Some of the features of Copy Protect are listed below:

* Unbreakable copy protection for your videos, audios, pictures and documents.
* Burn copy protected data to your own CD or DVD for distribution without the fear of data being copied illegally.
* Easy to use and navigate graphical user interface that does not require any additional programming skills.
* Simple and effective data copy protection procedures.
* Protect your media files and art work from illegal copy from one computer to another.
* Securely distribute your films, songs, files, documents, reports and other copyright material on any distribution media like CD, DVD, Blu-ray disc, USB drive, external drive etc.
* Highly customized copy protection application to tailor your needs.
* Play copy protected videos and audios directly from the destination drive where you have saved them.
* No need to install the application at other end to run the copy protected files and documents.
* Prevent image theft, piracy, illegal distribution and leakage of your data from your CD/DVD or USB drive to any other drive.
* Work well with Windows XP 32-bit, XP 64-bit, Vista 32-bit, Vista 64-bit, Windows 7.

Copy Protect works perfectly well on all platforms of Windows
including their 32-bit and 64-bit variants i.e. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.0, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000 and Windows 2008. The program works flawlessly on all file systems like FAT, FAT32 and NTFS. Copy Protect is a portable application which does not require administrative rights and does not require installation at other end...

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